The Many Benefits of Crystals

Photo Cred: @danicostelo

Photo Cred: @danicostelo


If you haven’t heard about the healing properties of crystals, perhaps it time to begin your journey learning about how your mind and body can benefit from beautiful crystals.  Tapping into the powerful healing qualities of crystals can help you experience more harmony, joy, and peace.

Crystals have been used as healing agents for many centuries.  According to the traditional Eastern philosophy, crystals have qi, which is life energy, radiating from its core.  These powerfully unseen healing forces exist abundantly in our universe and are free for anyone to tap into.

Crystals As Vibration

Those who have studied the properties of crystals have found that each crystal has a distinct energy frequency that vibrates and radiates healing properties to its surroundings.  Everything in the universe vibrates - including us!  When our vibrations are off, we tend to suffer from sickness and disease, so using healing crystals as a means of getting our vibrations back on track is such a simple way to bring forth healing and wholeness.

Our bodies want to be well. In fact, our organs and systems are healing themselves all the time. Do you notice that when you get a small cut, the blood stops by clotting and the cut heals itself within a short time?  All crystals do is work to help your body become more balanced and allow for healing. They help to balance out the body’s energy system holistically to include the mind, body, emotions, and spirit.

The Power Of A Positive Mindset

Add the power of positive thinking to the healing power of crystals and you have twice the healing power.  Do you know that your thoughts are made up of energy as well?  They’re vibrating certain energy frequencies and they influence your mind and body. The types of thoughts you think certainly influence you.  Researchers have long been studying the effects of positive vs. negative thoughts on the mind and body.

For example, negative thoughts have a lower energy frequency than positive thoughts. The negative thoughts actually emit negative energy to the surrounding area, and that includes your mind and body.  This is why it is vital to understand and implement the power of positive thinking into your life.

Take some time to evaluate your thought life. Are you thinking predominantly positive or negative thoughts? If your thoughts are mostly negative, it is time to change them into positive ones. Retrain your brain so that it will automatically go to the positive. Begin stating positive affirmations daily to get into the habit of keeping a positive perspective.

You might want to say things like “I walk in perfect health every day” or “My mind and body are in perfect balance and function in the way they intended to.”

How To Use Healing Crystals

You can place certain crystals on the points on your body that need healing, or you can wave them over your body using certain pendulum or wand healing techniques.  You can also wear a crystal necklace to release the healing qualities in crystal. 

There are different healing properties associated with different crystals.  For example, amethyst is supposed to have healing properties that will help with the digestive system and yellow topaz is known to help clear the mind.  Not all crystal healers agree with each other on the specific healing properties of each crystal, but the majority of them have come to agree on the major ones.

Here are some examples of crystals you can use for common ailments and illnesses:

Headaches: If you suffer from a tension headache, you can use crystals such as amber, turquoise, and amethyst to alleviate the pain.  Simply put the crystals on your forehead and let the healing energies penetrate your body.  If you believe that your headache is caused by chronic stress or if you have a stomach ache along with your headache, try using moonstone or citrine.

Low energy: If you are feeling lethargic, there are healing crystals that can boost your energy levels, as they tend to stimulate your energy frequencies.  Think reds, oranges, and yellows when choosing your crystals.  Many people have found that clear quartz, tiger’s eye, jasper, and citrine work well to boost energy.

Depression: If you struggle with periods of sadness or depression, try topaz, gold, and lapis lazuli.

Arthritis: For arthritis, use copper and malachite. It’s a good idea to lay the crystals right on the joints that are giving you pain.

Fear and worry:  Try aquamarine to calm your nerves.

Digestive system problems: sodalite, citrine, green tourmaline

Trouble sleeping: lepidolite, mica, jade

These are just a few of the hundreds of healing crystals and stones available for you.  There are charts that you can look at and purchase that will inform you of what healing properties each crystal offers. You might find that you prefer one crystal over another once you begin experimenting with them.  The key is to utilize the healing properties of crystals and add positive thinking to your lifestyle.  By doing so, you will be more apt to live an abundant, healthy, and happy life.

If you would like more professional assistance, there are also spiritual healers that offer crystal healing therapy to assist with emotional, spiritual, and physical healing.  Not only can it bring your body’s energy system to balance, but it can also release emotional and physical blockages that you may have.


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